The NPO Ena city Sakaori Tanada preservation society

The main goal of Ena city Sakaori Tanada preservation society is to explore the importance and attractiveness of rice terrace agriculture and work on the preservation of the local area centered around the Sakaori terraced rice fields.
Currently, the multiple uses of the terraced rice fields are being reviewed as the ability to keep the terraced rice field agriculture going is quite a major challenge for the future. To try and solve this problem, we are working on projects like the terraced rice field owner project and the terraced rice field trust. For example, we hold environmental study sessions, rice planting and rice harvesting experiences so that people from more urban areas can understand this way of life.
To help promote these ideas and projects, the Sakaori Tanada preservation society was formed in 2008 as a Non-profit organization.


Group name NPO Ena city Sakaoro Tanada preservation society
Address 782-1 Nakanoho-cho, Ena city, Gifu prefecture, 509-8231
Phone 0573-23-2032
Fax 0573-23-2032
Head representative Yuzuru Taguchi
Date of establishment November 6 2008


The responsibilities of the NPO Ena city Sakaori Tanada preservation society

1. Terraced rice fields landscape preservation

●Sakaori terraced rice fields masonry school
●Terraced fields Biotope
●Terraced fields learning experiences
● Management and running of Sakaori terraced rice fields facilities. e.g. “Nagomi no ie”
●Restoration of abandoned farmland
●Producing quarterly information magazine


2. Urban-rural exchange program

●Terraced rice fields owner project
●Terraced rice fields photograph contest
●Terraced rice fields calendar production
●Other exchange activities


3. Development of the terraced rice fields brand

●Terraced rice fields rice sales
●Agricultural product sales


4. Promotion of culture and tradition

●History and local culture education


Our business policy

●Preserve the terraced rice fields culture through encouraging the participation of people from urban areas to join local residents to continue the traditional methods of terraced rice fields farming.
●To revitalize the local region by promoting the idea of reconnecting and returning to rural areas and nature, by providing experiences and exchanges between people from urban areas and local residents.
●To operate “Nagomi no ie” to promote local activities.


Preservation history of Sakaori terraced rice fields

●1994: explanation of how the agricultural land development plan would work.
●1997: Japanese government decision to instigate a policy to implement land readjustment
●1997-1998: Ena city Board of Education conducts a survey on the current status of rice fields and the related history.
●1999: Local farmers, residence committees, academic experts join to form the “Committee for maintenance and preservation of the terraced rice fields in the Sakaori district in Ena city.
●2000: the “Development and preservation of the terraced fields in the Sakaori district in Ena city” report was made.